Sunday, June 6, 2010

Not so lazy Sunday

I woke up this morning full of spit and vinegar, and after mowing the lawn with my eco-friendly self-propelled mower, I worked out. I've been pushing myself to do at least a half hour of physical activity every day, and so far, I've managed to meet this goal for five days. Go me!

I also got a lot of cleaning done, but just so you don't think I was ignoring my novels...

revised another five pages in my Adult Historical work, and added four poems to the OTHER YA novel-in-verse (not the Egyptology one). Phew.

Busy day, and I'm not done yet! Planning to start a new ritual tonight: yoga on the porch at dusk. Going to try to see if I have the energy to balance this out with yoga on the porch at dawn in the morning.

I'm feeling groovy today.

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