Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's almost time for NaNoWriMo!

I'm really getting excited about my idea for NANO this year. It seems that I can't quite escape Scotland as the setting for my work!

To keep myself from cheating and starting my novel early, I have been working through the Snowflake Suggestions by Randy Ingermanson...I have never really planned before starting a novel, and this has been a good experience. Currently, I have the outline and characters pretty well explored, and where it stands right now, the book will be about 18 chapters to get it all said.

I'm writing this book for NANO, but I plan to make my ultimate word goal 75,000 (not likely to reach THAT high in November, but it helps me to see where I want to be) which means that with my current outline, I need to be crafting chapters anywhere from 4,000-5,000 words. I think that's doable.

I'm thankful there are still a few days left to do some background research, because I don't want to let myself become distracted with that once November has started.

In other news, when mailing contest submissions at the post office this afternoon, the kind gentleman behind the counter asked, "Oh, are you a poet?" to which I heard myself answering, "Yes I am."

It's a beautiful day.


  1. I love the new layout, Jen! Also, I really enjoy your interaction at the post office :)


  2. You could reach 75k. Maybe, I reached 61k my first year and I stopped right before Thanksgiving. Here's to hoping your muse is prolific this nano!

  3. It never hurts to aim high! Even if you don't hit 75K in November, you'll be well on your way!
    Love the Post Office story! So affirming to be able to say, "Yes!"
