Monday, February 13, 2012

Opening Line Giveaway

Alright, folks, let's shake things up this cold Monday morning! I've decided to host a giveaway this month, in honor of Valentine's Day (blech), Leap Day, and my birthday (woohoo!).

I've got three eclectic books up for grabs:

1. The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age by Frances Yates: I bought this for research for a novel, and then shifted to modern magical systems rather than historical. It would be a great reference book for any historical fantasy author!

2. The Voyage Out by Virginia Wolf: a coming-of-age novel told by one of the best feminist writers of the past century.

3. The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe: this excellent novel blends history, mystery, and magic, with just a pinch of romance thrown in to sweeten the deal.

Giveaway options 4 and 5 are writing-related:

4. I'll critique your first five pages of a WIP via email, offering as much as I can to the process.

5. I'll critique your query letter.

How to enter:

It's simple! In the comments section of this post, post your favorite opening line of a book. Tell us which book it's from, as well as the author, and if you have a preference for one of the prizes, mention that in the post as well.

This giveaway is open until February 29th at 11:59 pm. Check back on Thursday, March 1 for the list of winners!

Let the games begin!

*So tempted to say something about the odds, but, well, that's copyright infringement ;)


  1. The sky was the color of cat vomit. - Scott Westerfeld, The Uglies

    I always loved that line because it made me laugh when I read it, and it's stuck with me for years.

    I'll pick #4. I could use a critique of my first few pages of my WIP. :)

  2. "I write this sitting in the kitchen sink." I CAPTURE THE CASLTE by Dodie Smith ... not just one of my favorite first lines, but also one of my favorite books :)

    I also select #4! Could luck other contestants, and thank you Jen!

  3. Nothing ever begins. - Clive Barkers Weaveworld

    This is the most brilliant first line. It's not trying to be sarcastic or clever. It simple states something so foreign and unique we're sucked in immediately wondering how in the world he could possible say that Nothing ever begins. He took three little words and attached a boulder to them before throwing them at your head, and it is brilliant.

    I would also enjoy number four. (=
