Sunday, March 7, 2010

Something from a scrap of memoir that I've worked on this week...

I remember in elementary school when the library just vanished. It was there, and beloved by me at least, until fifth grade, when my teacher won a grant for a fully functioning science laboratory. The lab was constructed in the space that had been the library, and where the books or the librarian went, no one knew or seemed to care. Then, in middle school in the same district, one year we had a librarian, dour and stereotypically in love with the sound “sh!”, and the next year we found in her place the overweight, overwrought history teacher whom the district couldn’t fire due to tenure. He certainly wasn’t any help in finding books.

Why, you may ask, would anyone with those memories elect for a career as a school librarian? The same reason she would begin her career as a classroom teacher. I love adolescents, and I love adolescent literature...

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