Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Word Count

I've been alarmingly productive today.

I revised another six pages of my adult historical novel, I wrote another six sentence work of flash fiction for the story a day challenge, and I've spent the last hour working on my YA novel in verse. The total word count of this piece is now 18,208, and the poems fill 111 pages.

I'm really proud of myself, and I wish I had more than a week left of this glorious and productive break. I haven't been discontent or bored, and I have in fact found myself wishing that I could live this life always. But I miss my classroom, if I'm honest, so going back will be good for me. I will just have to try and replicate this writing success when I'm back to work!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm proud of you too! It all sounds so interesting.
