Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Shortest Month!

I can't believe we're already into February! I have deep affection for this hard to pronounce month, mainly because my birthday is nestled somewhere in these 28 days. I think I also like the oddness of February: it's the month that throws of the chant to remember 30 or 31 days, and every four years, February suffers a leap year identity crisis. There's something satisfying about being born in a month that can't make up its mind.

Lots of other great things have happened in February in my life. For example, my brother shares this birth month with me, and it was February a year ago that we found and fell in love with our first house. There's also Valentine's day, but I've found I enjoyed this holiday more when I was single: then, I could be stoic and snide, but now that I'm paired up, the holiday has lost some of its luster.

February also heralds some wacky weather: the midwestern US is buried under snow while here in Carolina, the winds are whirling down the street and it's balmy and bright outside.

This month is a great time to begin looking to the future, nurturing the seeds you want to cultivate in the coming spring. What do you hope to plant? I have a rose in mind, now to wait and see what color it is when the buds open!

1 comment:

  1. There's something satisfying about being born in a month that can't make up its mind.
    Love that! Happy birthday, whatever day it may be!
    (My son has a birthday coming up this month, too...shares the birthdate with George Washington. He likes that!)
    Can't wait to hear about the color of your rose(s)!
