Sunday, February 6, 2011

Quiet Query Sunday

While I got almost 2,000 words of the YA modern fantasy written while I was traveling, it's good to be home at my desktop working again.

I've spent the morning re-working my query for the historical novel in verse, and I've sent it out to a few more agents. We'll see what comes of it. One thing I can say: my confidence in query writing has grown in the past year, due to all the reading and learning I've been pursuing.

The sun is throwing rainbows on the walls of my writing room, and I am struck once again by how lucky I am to have the physical space to ply my emotional craft. A writer really does need a room of one's own.

I've been reading a biography of one of my favorite authors, Louisa May Alcott, and it's interesting to me that even in the poverty that typified her youth, she understood the need for private space to do her work. In her teen years, her mother created a room for Louisa to use as an office, and it was then that she really began her writing career.

Reading about other writers, both modern and past, helps me to maintain belief. It is comforting to realize that I share enthusiasm with writers who, one day, achieved publication. I know I've got poetry publication credits to my name, not to mention three years of book reviews for VOYA, but right now my goal is to obtain publication of my fiction. I write to fill my heart, make no mistake, but I also dream of being heard.

What do you dream of for your writing?

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