Monday, April 25, 2011

WIP = done!

Wow. What a heady feeling: I sailed to a conclusion with my YA modern fantasy WIP this evening. I've tied up some strings and left a few dangling, and, much to my literary geek enjoyment, the last line of the book is currently "Besides, I thought to myself with a smile, I’d always loved Macbeth."

Other than my first NaNoWriMo, I don't know the last time I've finished a draft so quickly. Now comes the hard part: editing and polishing. I'm going to set it aside until the end of the school year (or sooner, if I feel the urge) so it can ruminate a bit, and in the meantime, I'm going to revisit my adult historical/women's fiction WIP that I've ignored since the conference last fall.

What is it with me and Scotland? I hated being there (I know, I need to be smacked, but it rained ALL the time) and yet it's become a vital part of two of my WIPs with a third on the way. Ah, well. Maybe it was more magical than I realized.

What are you proud of tonight?


  1. Congrats!! I hope the editing goes well for you.

  2. Huzzah! That's an excellent last line.

  3. Finishing drafts is always great. The sense of accomplishment and all the potential the story has. Congrats and enjoy it!
