Tomorrow, I'll be heading to Charlotte, NC to attend the SCBWI regional conference. I am really excited, but also a bit nervous.
This conference will be my first in almost a year, and only my second "real" conference with critiques and agents and the like. I can't wait to hear the feedback from my two critique sessions, but I am jittery. I haven't worked much on Book One since I finished my first set of revisions, and this is the novel that I submitted the first ten pages of to be critiqued.
A lot of my nerves stem from the fact that I have so much hope and energy wrapped up in this book. I really want it to start moving, and I've waited to submit it widely until conference season is over and I can digest my different critique responses.
Add to this the excitement about this conference in particular: three days of children's and YA writers and illustrators? Yes, please! I will finally be around people who understand my love for the younger audiences. I can't wait to meet people and learn new things!
I think I am (mostly) ready, but my lesson for the week keeps running through my head: don't go into a situation with preconceived expectations, because you are never right. Well, almost never.
I expect to have a good time, and to learn a lot. Other than that, it's anybody's guess!
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