Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Some great reads

During our little fall getaway, I was able to do a bit more reading.

First up was "Matched" by Ally Condie. This YA distopian novel follows in the footsteps of "The Giver" and "Fahrenheit 451": it is very much of the genre. Although not breathtakingly original, it was a good read with a protagonist worth rooting for.

Next, I flew through "Every Little Thing in the World" by Nina de Gramont. This realistic novel deals with tough issues like rebellion, teen pregnancy, and betrayal of self. I loved it, and I cheered at the ending: it's refreshing to read a book that takes a REAL approach to real issues.

Then, just to mix it up, I wandered into adult literature. Sonya Sones is one of my favorite authors of all time, and I've been waiting to get my hands on her adult novel-in-verse "The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus". It was well worth the wait! I loved Holly, the 50 year old narrator caught in the middle between her 18 year old daughter and her 80 year old mother. Sones has a clear, beautiful narrative voice, as always.

I have a stack of books that demand my attention for VOYA, but somewhere in between the assigned reading, I've got a few more waiting for me at the library.

What are you reading this week?


  1. Hey Stranger! I'm reading "Fly Away Home" by the author of the same name as me :D Nice for a relaxing easy beach-y read. I'm reading it during lunch though (when I have time). I'm also reading "The Design of Everyday Things" for class, but it is actually pretty interesting! It was written in the 80's, but all it is still pretty relevant to, well, the design of everyday things!

  2. I haven't read "Fly Away Home" yet...I think the last book of hers that I read was "Best Friends Forever", which I really liked.

    I miss you! We'll have to catch up's time to start emailing again!

  3. Yes! We do need to start up emailing again!
