Monday, April 23, 2012

100 Books in 2012: Book 37 "Goddess Interrupted"

I've been eagerly awaiting the second installment in Aimee Carter's Goddess series, and it finally came in to the library.

Kate has won immortality and the right to rule the Underworld beside Henry, but that doesn't mean things are going to be easy. She's crippled with fear that the lord of the dead doesn't return her deep affection, and to make matters worse, they are attacked by an ancient enemy on the night of her coronation ceremony.  Now Kate must face Persephone, the woman Henry still loves, if she wants to save him and the rest of her godly family.

Much like The Goddess Test, this novel is sharp and fresh.  Carter stays true to the ancient myths while updating them in a new and interesting way.  The love story is tingly, and Kate is heroine readers will root for.

What are you reading on this dreary Monday?


  1. When I heard of this first I wondered if it explored the Persephone myth. Interesting.

    I commend you on your 100 books goal for the year! Glad to see you use the library too; that would get expensive if you bought them all :)

    1. I am still dangerous in a bookstore, but I've learned to control my urges. In college, I worked at Barnes and Noble, and I don't think I ever took a paycheck home!
